"Camera obscuras, / too, were big that year"
How to describe
A year? Begin
With a small break
A stress fracture,
A pin of light
Through a cracked wall
Of bone, of pain
Which is always
In the head. There.
Now you can see
The whole world, sharp,
Upside down, if
The break is small
Enough, not too
Small. You have to
Feel it. You can't
Diffract too much.
One night, Windy
City, July,
Two-oh oh-two,
You fell to ground.
Cement's unkind
To glass paste bones.
Your wrist pained you.
You knew. You lied
As you lay there
Trying to check
Which bones were cracked,
Saying, "I'm fine."
You got back up
With a problem,
How to use your
Cane when it was
Your best wrist split
A small piece. Now
You could not walk
Without support.
Somehow you left
Hand leaned, hobbling
Your way up El
Stairs and down, back
To your borrowed
Sofa, Southside.
The dawn missed you
Behind your draped
Window, but when
At last you rose,
Cradling your sore
Wrist, you saw it,
Startled at first,
Unsure what you
Were face to face
With, what you had
Read of many
Times and seen in
Pictures but not
In its native
Glory, the dun
Yellowed wall of
The room glowing
With a view of
The town outside
Of you and your
Concerns, your wrist
Swollen and stiff,
Your new lover
Still in covers,
Asleep and quite
Unknown. All new
Things, then. All new
Risks that you were
Taking. The crack
In the curtains
Was just the right
Shaped size to make
The rare wonder,
The world upside
Down in detail
And full color,
A bloom on bare,
Stuccoed insides.
"I am Plato's
Cave," you murmured,
Without a trace
Of an insight.
You groped for your
Cane and wobbled
Closer to it
To squint. Details
Of trees, parked cars,
And split- level
Houses appeared
So much richer
Being fainter
Beings than they
Ever were when in
Full view. The real
Is more useful,
Less used, you mused,
Than its unreal
Sisters. Love, you
Recalled, was right
Beside you now,
Within your grasp
For the first time
In years. You were
Unsure. You were
Still young but bent,
Badly bent, and
The one falling
For you had just
Seen you fall down,
Seen how quickly
Your world could turn
Upside down
And then stagger
Up to try once
More your hand at
Moving freely,
Almost as if
You were a real
Boy, not pins, strings,
And cracked, painted
Porcelain. Would she
Think twice, now she'd
Glimpsed your wrong way
Tarot and searched
Out her future
In it? You knew
It could be bleak
For you, short term,
For her, long term.
The town shimmered,
Faded, and fled
From her bare wall,
Briefly tracing
A last, upright
Version of its
Picture on her
Sleeping shoulders
Before it slipped
Off and vanished.
Your wrist taunted
You. The torn drapes,
With their sharp pins
Of gold light now
Tracing nothing
Magic, also
Seemed to suggest
It was pure dream,
That dream you spoke
Last night before
You fell. You were
So sure you made
Her sure. You showed
Her what a dream
Could be. Science
Could be claimed for
Marvels, marvels
Could be science.
You were so sure.
She was entranced.
Then you stumbled,
Humpty Dumpty.
It was the year
Of the stolen
Girl they never
Thought they would find
Alive. It was
The year before
The war, after
The black towers fell.
Every human
Thing seemed
Hanging, detailed
Upside down. Then
Summer, and you
Embraced the pause
In the meaning
Of things. You taught
Human beings
How they became
Human. Weren't you
Clever? You fell
And fell, not just
That once, not just
For sex and love
But for falling
By each method
You knew you'd try,
And still you stayed,
Colored, detailed,
Picture perfect,
Hanging from your
Clever answers
To the riddle
You knew could not
Be solved by you.
What did you mean?
What did it mean?
It was a poem
Someone else wrote
Someone who could
Draw so well he
Could see himself
As he would look
In a convex
Mirror, that year
Was. One of those
Tricks that tell you
The way things are
When you can't fix
Them as you see
Fit. You weren't fit.
That was the thing
You could not fix.
Nor was she fit,
Though you didn't
Know it, not yet.
She had her own
Falling to do.
You would help her
Through the years she
Needed to make
Her fall complete.
We all need falls
We can't complete
Ourselves. We all
Hang the wrong way,
Blood rushed, woozy,
Waiting for that
Someone who will
Cut us down. Pins
Portray us in
Boxed-up shadows,
Just right in how
We are just wrong.
Exact, correct
Pictures don't work
Without mirrors
To tell the right
Lies. Or something
Like that. That year
Mirrors all lied
With joy. They laughed,
Sparkled, showed life
As full of life,
If a bit soft,
Dimly colored,
At least that's how
It felt to you
At the time. Cracks
Were there, of course
To show the facts
Mirrors could flip,
Polish, distort
But not alter.
She was lonely,
Jealous of her
Sisters with kids,
Partners, jealous
Of her exes
With or without
Kids or partners.
You were lonely,
Conscious of not
Being worthy,
Being crooked
As you were since
You were. Your lives
Tangled quickly,
As fish lines, lures
Dangling from trees.
That was the truth
Only mirrors
Could put to rights,
Could make at least
Fairer semblance
Of what was said
About the scene
It gave you back
Of you entwined
Until it cracked.
Funny, that. What
Projects the light
In such a way
A soul can see
Truth in the bone,
That stress breaking
The green stick branch
Slowly, twisting
Until it snaps
And drops the trick
Of the light down
Onto hard ground,
Is not the true
Thing in itself
But the true ghost,
Recalled. After
That slight wrist crack
You kept yourself
Somehow one piece,
While she, falling
For you, fell, fell,
Further, further
Until she dashed
Her head, baby
Dreams and jealous
Schemes and all, down
On the tiled floor
Of wards and flats
Where no one knew
Her real, given
Name, nor you, nor
That you and she
Had once dreamed in
The same room but
Different dreams, in
Which you, pinned down
By a pinholed
Image, worried
About your pain
And how your tricks
Would hold, hiding
It from her long
Enough she would
Not think of you
In terms of pain,
While she, dreaming
Alone in sheets
You'd left to watch
The wall's writing
In weird signs, dreamed,
Maybe, that she
Had found the crack
In the thin seam
Of things that were,
To her, always
Unfair. Two dreams,
One light, one dark,
One out, one in.
That is the way
Of these pictured
Things. Not real, not
Unreal. That year,
At least, those things
That would distort
Dreams were winning
The war on dreams.
If you trusted
Your dreams, you would
Go mad, yes, right,
But your madness
Would be correct.
The lost girl would
Be found, alive.
The paused war would
Begin, again.
The fall you took
Would be a tale
Only you could
Tell and even
You would prefer
Not to. You did
Nothing to keep
Any of this
From not being
Any of this.
By fall, you were
Her man. You both
Tried things you thought
You would never
Have to try to
Be what you thought
Would come to you
As a simple
Gift from the way
Things ought to be.
There was a long
Drop still ahead
For both of you,
A long drought for
Any kind of
Honest truth.
The truth being
Never honest,
This was not all
Bad. For you two,
The cracks in things
Back then were proof
You had enjoyed
Candor in all
Things. When you walked
With her down paths
In the dark woods,
You could count on
Something such as
The time you lay
Out of sight or
The time a child
Came up the path
And called "Mother!"
To her. All signs
The truth was nigh.
It gets closer.
That's not such a
Good thing. Chinese
Whispers are both
A game and an
Insult. Things change
Prayer; can't change things.
When truth comes close
You know you will
Suffer. You should.
You stood, canyoned
Before the dawn
That fall, having
Driven southwest
To the north edge
Of the grand crack
In the mesas.
You woke early,
Her now pregnant,
Your wrist long healed,
In the dark of
A cold cabin
No bright vision
On that black wall,
And you drove out
To look over
The edge and see,
Just you alone,
The two of you,
No one else there,
The light rise up
Over the flat lands
And then slowly
Destroy the stars,
Chase the shadows
Out of the deep
Wide and ancient
Canyon's cliffs and
Broken pillars.
It was the last
Time you two were
So much alone,
So much in tune
With each other.
Winter would come
To find you back
In the city
Among her kin,
All quick to claim
Her proud state their
Own joy. She glowed
Then cracked under
The strain. It snowed
Christmas Eve, and
In the morning
You heard her scrape
Shovel over
The path beside
The draped window
Where in summer
You had stood and,
Dazed, watched, amazed
How the gold light
Turned the pinned town
Upside down on
The wall that now
Was dark and cold,
Christmas morning.
Her child, your child,
As it happened,
Did not arrive,
Never happened.
But that loss was
Later. The year
Of small things, cracks
And pins of light
That lit up walls
With scenes and swelled
Bellies with lives
And minds with dreams
Bigger than you
Or her, that turned
The world perfect,
Reversed, had not
Faded yet. She
Scraped the sidewalk
Of snow to keep
You from falling.
It worked, that day.
On New Year's Eve
You both stayed in
And went to bed
Early, thinking
Sleep was peace but
Dreamed your secret
Thread. Peace is a
Full stop.
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