Thursday, December 31, 2020
Mirific Verdigris Night
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Canoes or Coffins
Oh, leave it alone, we all
Leave it alone. We paddle
Through crowds of other canoes,
Like Jason, until they’re all
Coffins. There’s no one in them
But us in a last canoe,
Us, ghost of all the coffins.
It’s a crowd and we’re in it
Alone. Go. Leave it alone.
Tuesday, December 29, 2020
A Greater Mass of Shadow Rays
Zum Wandel wird hier der Raum.
Immer. Immersion in change.
Yet the shelf-life for frozen
Embryos is infinite.
Identity. The mind’s cage.
That restless monster pacing,
Always ready to get out.
Numbers are most valuable
For separating the rounds
Of the cage, which seem the same,
Which are never the same. Count.
An opaque body smaller
Than the source of the light casts
Derivative shadows tinged,
Hue on hue, less and less light,
By original shadows.
The mind pounces at the bars
And passing shadows of birds.
Monday, December 28, 2020
What’s Not in a Name?
John Abercrombie wasn’t wrong
But he was still too generous—
The truth isn’t we understand
Nothing. No, we don’t understand
Nothing, either—may understand
Nothing least of all of our names,
Least of all our conceptual
Ghosts. The name alone is something,
And most of our mathematics
Wasn’t unlocked until the key
Was found to be the empty door.
Our worlds rotate around that hole
In what is, in what we can know.
Our stars grow brighter on approach.
Thoughts spin brilliantly distorted.
Then nothing comes back as we go.
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Delocalized Waves
Saturday, December 26, 2020
One of the Dead Then
Friday, December 25, 2020
Early Submission
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Theodicy haunts geometry
As much as any faith in the pure
Perfection that authors suffering,
Any conviction this world’s ideal
Or at least immune to loss, when loss
Is all it brings and uses to bring
More exquisitely patterned goodness
To us, to geometers through proofs,
And through verbiage to apologists.
They say when the world turns upside down
That only proves perfect symmetry,
That when earth turns sky and space turns time,
Nothing is lost in transformation.
That’s the beauty of information.
Nothing much. Hang on to suspicion.
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
The Lookout
At the lake they parked their SUVs
And got out to take pictures and chat,
A pair of couples, old friends, I’d guess.
They chatted. “Is it man-made?” One asked,
As they pulled out small dogs on leashes
And walked in circles to stretch their legs,
And continued to chat, discussing
The state of the trailhead’s pit toilets,
In which each took a turn, dog on leash
Handed over for safekeeping or,
Why not, brought on in for company.
They chatted back to their vehicles,
Loaded up the small dogs and got in.
They drove off. I heard one of them cough,
But none of them wandered close to me,
Much less breathed in my face, and the dogs
Kept calmly leashed. Unnoticed, that’s best.
So, no harm done, and I’m safe, I’d guess.
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
Fugitives of the Fall
Monday, December 21, 2020
End of a Bad Year for the People
Road’s getting too busy,
Sun’s getting too low—time
To go now, kiddo, time
To go. Every word is
A Christian, every phrase
A Cyrano. Or so
It seems to the phrases.
The words keep their secrets
And know. Sun’s getting low.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
It has seemed rather longer
Than calendars would permit,
This year of symmetrical
Numbers, mirroring horrors,
This Annus Mirabilis
In the similar parade.
Infants and children too young
To personally recall
This year will grow tired of tales
About this year, one of those
You know will be a tent-pole
For personal histories
Even before fixed in place.
It’s just one of those weird years
That cleaves before and after
More memorably than most.
So what? It will end. All years
Season into other years,
With or without calendars.
Spinning could end; the cycling
Could come to an abrupt halt—
Even astronomically
Rare astronomical ends
Happen again and again—
But it’s pretty safe to bet
This one turn, after billions,
Won’t see the planet go splat,
And let’s get out on a limb
And bet, as long as Earth spins,
Some kind of life will begin
And end and begin again.
So this year isn’t the end
And the next year won’t begin
Anything not already
Here on its way to its end.
God, this has gone on too long.
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Good Afternoon
Why shouldn’t it be enough
That this brought joy to one life,
Dancing conga lines of words,
Patterned thoughts and chunks of rhymes,
Silliness, gloominess, doubt,
Dark, excessive certainties,
Declarations of all kinds?
Close to a sunny window,
Close to the start of winter,
A body could spend an hour
Or as much time as it took
To change the angle of light
From squint to glow on the wall
And down to pool on the floor,
Chanting these compositions
To itself and no one else.
You know it’s going away,
All of it—the light, this day,
The coming season, the poems,
The life, the walls, the era,
Civilization, and you.
So no one heard the poet,
Knew of the poet, or cared
To know. Sun and the words glowed.
Friday, December 18, 2020
Pine Sonata
Thursday, December 17, 2020
A Little Kindness
Would be nice. Humans
Do a lot of harm
To others and each
Other, but that’s not
Our hard part, that’s not
The worst part. It’s worse
That indifference
Creates destruction
All unintentioned,
And worst that kind acts
Can backfire. Backfire.
Know where that comes from?
You loaded and aimed
And your charge blew up
In your hands and eyes.
It’s not adequate.
We need an image
More apt. Our kindness
Is more like the need
For water. Deserts
May wait years for rain
Then lose lives to floods.
That even goodness
Necessitates some
Real harm, that’s the worst.
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
For I Lov’d the Man
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Good Kid Books at Bedtime
Their chatter was rapid and sapid,
Daft and inspired, dodging insipid—
They brought pleasure to a tired parent
Who got to say goodnight to nothing
And nobody, to unknot the tongue
On blunt rhymes and ridiculous puns.
I miss them now, those weird, dreamy texts
I read in those years of sleep-wrecked nights.
If they were hallucinatory,
Well that was excused as what kids like,
But I didn’t care much as a kid.
As a parent I learned parents did.
Monday, December 14, 2020
The Efficacy
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Pyramids Pillars of Snow
Saturday, December 12, 2020
One Animal
How many are there living
At any given moment,
How many any moment
Die? You’d think the broad view
Means it’s hard to care for one,
But I do. Two. Me and you.
Me, I don’t worry about
So much anymore, one foot
Out the door. I’m an old fool
Who’s tried to get out before.
But the one animal, you,
I consider all the time
And can’t imagine losing,
Won’t imagine it, refuse.
We’re all animals, it’s true,
And we’ll do what creatures do,
Even with fancy language,
Tales, myths, math, and rocket ships.
But I can’t be broad-minded
In this case. One animal
Needs to thrive and outlive me,
No matter what the others
Get up to. Be a good beast
For me, please. Survive. Thrive. Do.
Friday, December 11, 2020
Red Sentinel
Abandoned in the desert on the side
Of the Extraterrestrial Highway,
Glass intact but with its engine exposed,
Hoodless, to the stars, a red pickup truck
Is watching us. A fighter jet roars low
As a hawk hunting rodents, but the truck
Remains unfazed. A jackrabbit hops out.
Free-range beef cattle graze alongside it,
Nosing for better grass by the culvert.
Occasional passing vehicles slow,
In case the sentinel is a sheriff,
Then accelerate when they see it’s not.
The truck is unfazed. Its emptiness keeps
Watch. Moonlight silvers it. Strong winds shake it,
But, for some unknown reason, no one comes
For parts or tows it away. No one dares
Tag it with graffiti, the way the signs
And the road’s ghost buildings have all been tagged.
No one has bothered to shoot holes in it.
No one has asked anything about it.
This truck is a thing that watches and waits.
You’re not patient enough to see it change.
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Holes in the Dark
Oh, another uncomfortable truth—
War brings creation as destruction.
Shiva, Shiva, is that really you?
War’s just your local accelerant,
Some catalysts, sprays of gasoline,
Added to the ongoing process
Of change, which, while always uneven,
Remains everywhere continuous.
Those horsemen of the apocalypse,
Like each of us, all have their doubles—
A quartet for the society’s world,
Mass plagues, famines, wars, and pestilence,
Redoubled in each small person’s world
Of injuries, debts, acquaintances—
While the greater, real, inhuman world
Burns holes in the dark fires don’t trouble.
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Second Act
What if we are
In the exact
Middle of change,
Including time?
Just imagine
Four billion years
More for our Earth,
This cycling moon—
Quarter million
Or so of those
For our offspring
Before they turn
Too unlike us
To be human.
The end’s not close.
The plot thickens.
Monday, December 7, 2020
A Watcher As Much a Wielder of Words
No, not allusive, not collaged,
This chrestomathic poetry
Thieves for mere edification,
Attempts a kind of alchemy,
A lab box for boffins, witches,
And language’s inquisitors,
Neither science nor ritual,
Wicked, gleeful exploration,
Child with a magnifying glass,
Crone with her simples, Mo Willems
Madly doodling pigs and pigeons.
Let the body whirl in the world
However best that body can,
Fling all the paints against the wall,
See what lives, watch what runs. Mix them.
Sunday, December 6, 2020
I suppose you know by now the real
Treasure’s buried somewhere far from here—
This is just my false cache, blind entrance,
Empty chamber of signs and symbols,
No sarcophagus. Have you ever
Asked yourself why we would hide so much
For the sake of immortality
When the only slice of afterlife
Any of us ever manages
Comes of having our small corpses found,
Our hoards dug up, our tombs reopened?
O, I say ours, as if I belonged
To the class of humans who get tombs.
No, my cache is more like a jay’s stash
Of pine protein lost when the jay dies
Or gets too distracted or is stuffed
And makes it through a mild winter fat,
With no need to remember extra
Supplies of old memories hidden
In featureless duff and underbrush.
I am in a secret partnership,
Secret almost to myself. I hide
What I really want to keep in ways
That guarantee I’ll lose most of it,
And none of my kind ever find it.
Why do I do this? Ask my partner,
The pine whose reproduction depends
On fools who survive by caching seeds.
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Just Before Dark
The edge of shade at sunset throws
A negative corona—threads
Dance along advancing grey
On a wall, ghosts of solar storms.
You have stand close to the wall
To catch those mycelial threads
Extending filamentous limbs
As their own shadow chases them.
Sunset generally blends all shades.
The fine details are boring, small,
And take patience to scrutinize.
So what else is new, right? Dark moves.
Friday, December 4, 2020
Thin Shroud of Blue
Among the innumerable strange
Twists of our proximate fit
To what we suspect is reality,
Have you noticed that a pure blue
Afternoon sky by seeming depthless
And uniform also seems endless,
While a night sky with a few lamb clouds
And a slice of moon feels comforting,
Even companionable, even close to you?
How do you do that? The night’s huge,
And the blue sky’s a scrim that obscures it
With a gossamer veil jets poke through.
It’s reversed when an orange, urban moon,
Emerging from a skyline, itself looks huge
Because we exaggerate the vertical
On any horizon. (Take a picture
Of a steep mountain. Little bump
Against big sky. The picture knows
It’s true.) Do such banal observations
Seem trite, seem insignificant to you?
You’re doing it again, then, aren’t you?
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Nothing Doing Niksen
My body was never a target—
No one watched it like a hawk—no one
Wanted to possess it so badly
They overlooked the person in it
Who was and wasn’t, really, quite it—
And yet someone was always cutting,
Helpfully, into it or leaping
Ahead of it to open a door,
Often as not too close to my face.
It wasn’t at all fashionable
To write about our bodies back then.
Others’ bodies were what you wrote on.
For your self, you expressed your feelings.
Now, it’s bodies writing on bodies,
Reimagining and reclaiming
Bodies, mostly their own or like theirs,
Everywhere. I consider this corpse,
Still breathing, still painful, still broken
And valiantly incompletely healed.
Location, location, location.
I don’t want nothing to do with it,
I can’t not be in it and be it,
But I do want to do nothing much
Past sit with it while the days go by,
And write about the world that’s not it,
The sun on blank walls, the blank moon hours.
Forgive me if I don’t write on it.
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
You will forget that you read this sentence.
You will forget that sense of control.
You will forget the first time we held hands.
You will forget you believed in your soul.
You will forget your joy in remembering.
You will forget your favorite show.
You will forget all poems of affection.
You will forget what you need to know.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Humbaba Scoffs
Even the most rigorous inquiry
Into causation is purely advanced
Superstition. You link things more or less
Similar more or less reliably.
The more precisely you tighten the link,
The more likely you are a scientist,
But you’re still a pigeon pecking a lever
Because pecking that lever gave you grain
Just enough times to trigger your belief.
Skeptical pigeons have higher thresholds.
Your seers used to see my face in entrails,
My wild and bearded, leonine face,
And claimed it was a good omen for kings.
Next thing you know, the kings ordered sculptors
To carve grotesque likenesses of my face,
As if made of entrails, on palace walls.
I was insulted, but that’s how it goes
With superstitious species. You predict
Cause and effect and cause is one effect.
I’m still here, by the way, in the mountains,
Among the ghosts of cedars and those kings
Sent to kill me. And you still trust your guts.