Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Nothing should be exotic.
An other is another
Domesticate in context

And in their own awareness.
Set nothing apart. Accept
Difference without amazement.

This is about ownership,
About stripping collectors,
Colonists, imperiums

Of their wonder cabinets
And their plunder museums.
Rightful ownership,

Ownership by primacy
Or creative origin
Is the moral argument.

Belongs to us. Give it back.
But you’re so weary, your eyes
Slide unconsciously to sleep,

And the dream is so vivid,
A country road, you standing
Beside a car you don’t own,

Gold sun through heavy green
With a honeysuckle scent,
And this is not your life. This

Is another world lived through
By a subjectivity
You haven’t, nor ever will

Encounter, inhabited
By an other entity,
Owned by nothing and no one.

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