Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Centripetal Eddy You’ve Been

You’ll never fully access
The truth about what you feel,
And that goes for everyone,

Awareness riding along
Like tectonic plates atop
Forever restless magma.

You don’t have to try so hard.
Self-knowledge, self-awareness
Are not those keys to wisdom

And enlightenment you’d like
Them to be. They’re part of you,
The part that the world can’t keep,

But they’re neither delusions
Of an ego’s monkey mind
Nor know-thyself solutions.

They’re you as you ever is,
And, somehow, they’re alien,
Little vacuoles in flesh

That hiss and murmur, I am
This person here, and I am
Its unified history,

And I have nowhere to go
Once I’m not, so I rotate
Fast as I can as I can.

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