Tuesday, July 16, 2024


You’re in a box, you often
Remind yourselves, although it
Took you long enough to learn

As much—a small, sensory
Deprivation box. Seeing
Out of the box proved the box,

Proved there were more things to see
Than human eyes could. At first
It seemed pure discovery.

Early lensmen were accused
Of lying about their moons,
Monster blobs in ditchwater—

Or, if not lying, blinding
Imagination’s angels.
Even now, disenchantment

Is the paradoxical
Catcall against those who seek,
Through prosthetic devices,

The vast worlds outside boxes,
Waves too deep for lives to count,
Waves so long they’re gravity.

No one doubts you’re boxed, though, now,
Awareness sensorily
Impaired, bound, restricted,

Dependent on assistive
Technologies to peek past
Old tales and angels. You’ll see.

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