Saturday, June 26, 2021

The Glory and the Dark Sky Gegenschein

Ah, the mapless, lyric
Pilgrimage of the mind!
It’s just the kind of phrase

One can flourish in print
(And in prose!) only if
One’s been to at least four

Continents carrying
A book by Anne Carson.
From the passenger jet

Window overlooking
Well-mapped, unlyrical
Hegemonies of fact,

One might spot the Glory
In the reflecting clouds
Opposite to the sun.

Down here it is too dark
For that, but on rare nights
So dark, in fact, a glimpse

Of more than just the stars,
More than our galaxy,
A back splatter of sun

From behind Earth, thrown off
Dust particles, will show

The so-called Countershine.
You can see where this goes
Past the shrines in your mind.

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