Dreaming on the evening porch,
Literally, lit-er-al-ly
Before you even know it,
You wake up with your last words
To the interlocutor
Of the dream all you recall—
We know which life is the dreamed
Since we forget it faster.
You write that down and ponder.
At the start of sleep, often
There’s a segment before dreams
In which nothing’s remembered.
And, when sleeping between dreams,
Also, nothing’s remembered,
And all those amnesias
Hit instantaneously,
Remainin complete until
You wake or you start to dream.
When awareness winks for good,
There could have been dementia
Or a clear head beforehand,
But once awareness is gone,
The amnesia is total—
In fact, the truth’s the reverse
Of that claim you remembered
From your dream—you know the dream
Since it’s what fades more slowly.
No. It’s when you’re not dreaming
That you recall or forget
Anything you’d been dreaming,
And when you’re not dreaming, dreams
Do fade faster than what’s not
Dreaming—but what’s not dreaming
And what was dreaming vanish
In a blink together when
Awareness stops awaring.
You’re still on the porch and still
Dying, but you should turn in.
You’re feeling sleepy again.
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