Tuesday, August 6, 2024

One Last Check

A look around on the way out,
A snapshot to overexpose
And wash out before you black out—

Be sure to save some energy
For that among the final tasks.
What was the world at that moment?

You have a feeling it’s as good
As it’s going to be a while.
Criminal strong men are worshipped

As lawless demigods or saints.
That can’t end well. Militaries
Are all busy upgrading tech

And building bigger presences.
That won’t soothe things. In some countries
Citizens have stockpiled caches

And grown hostile to each other.
Will those tensions first burst or ease?
The species has grown powerful

And controls the world’s resources.
It’s a time of absolute wealth
But with no sense of shared purpose

Or common goals outside of sects,
Conspiratorial pockets,
The war of all groups against all.

Look around before you get out
And be glad you get to have now,
While the top-heavy world still sways,

The worst extremes stay in forecasts
Only beginning to arrive,
And there’s the probability

That there will be pockets of good—
Good acts, collective achievements,
Kindnesses, companionships, calm—

That will have happened, not only
In your small, dark adventure, but
Through the whole of the stumbling world.

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