Thursday, March 25, 2021


Rolling around North America
Like a marble in a dog food bowl,

Unclean, inedible, out of place,
Half choking hazard, half comical—

King Jesus Saves Organic Firewood
For Sale. So many ways to make hay

In a tattered flag draped USA,
While Canada’s Euclidean proof

Difference has similar things to say—
Moss eats EGGS off a barn’s painted roof

Outside Swastika, Ontario,
And in BC, signs sunk in woods

Insist they’re possessed by carpentry.
A buck walks by an aging motel

In Susanville, California.
One of his antlers has fallen off

And he seems alert to the traffic
Slipping a bit in late season snow.

In central Nevada, bighorn sheep
Consider a road cut through a cliff.

The more boring signs are everywhere,
Coast to coast to coast, candidate signs

For would-be mayors, town and county
Legislators, the grim reminders

Of past presidential elections
Looking even rattier than flags.

The largest billboards are best ignored.
What exactly are we watching for?

Spot a sign, splatter an ungulate.
Proves you both were watching the wrong thing.

Words themselves will tell you all these words
Don’t fool anything. But keep driving.

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