"This happy time, when there is discovered not only the other half of the world, which lay hidden from us before, but also many wonderful and never-before-seen works and creatures."
"Every normal tiger is representative for that species of cats, but there is no such thing as a 'normal story.'"He had a head that, because it lacked eyes, one might see as horrible, were it not for the handsome, tasteful sunglasses that perched on an aquiline nose below his quizzical brows. His ability to navigate the world as if seeing it perfectly clearly, with none of the susceptibility to illusions of the sighted but none of the cautious tics of the blind, left no one in doubt as to his vision, although many people expressed consternation or amazement that he never removed those stylish shades, even at evening, even inside. All in all, the dark eyewear added to his mystique, and for whatever reasons of his own, he was careful never to remove the glasses in front of anyone. Who should judge? Monstrosity is not for every nature to embrace, and not all who hide their tails or amputations are afraid, nor awful to themselves.
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